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Curve control points ver. 1.1.

by 거제송군 2009. 10. 30.

How to use:
1) put “ctrlpnts.rb” to “Google SketchUp 6\Plugins” folder
2) start SketchUp 6
3) draw arc curve, freehand curve or make a curve from a set of edges (use Rick Wilson's 'weld.rb' plugin)
4) select curve, right-click on it, then choose “Add control points to the curve” command from the context menu: "Curve Control Points Settings" dialog box appears, specify how many control points you want to add and select appropriate "Curve vertices 'behaviour': ", then click "OK"
5) you may move added construction points to change processed curve shape

Known issues:
- script does not work properly with closed curves
- moving more than one control point at a time does not work yet (ver. 1.0. processes only one control point change event for now)

ver. 1.1.
Bug fixes:
- now script processes numerous control points change events at a time
- closed curve processing fixed

간만에 괜찮은 루비 하나 나왔네요.
어휴.. 그러고보니 스케치업 만져본게 몇달 전인지.... 가물가물합니다.
이걸로 펜톤체어 만드는거 연습 함 해봐야겠네요.
그리고 아래 출처의 링크 따라가시면 좀 신기한 루비들을 많이 보실 수 있을 듯합니다. ㅋ

출처 : http://lss2008.livejournal.com/

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