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*** Previous data ***/SketchUp

2 Faces + Path ver. 1.1.

by 거제송군 2009. 9. 12.
ver. 1.1.
functionality added:
- previous version generated curves instead of faces if intermediate step contained non coplanar vertices, now script generates a kind of deformed 'faces' instead of curves
- generated blended geometry statistic report added (appears within ruby console)
- two new initial faces alignment options added (now it is possible to center faces to path and discard faces offsets from the path curve, it is useful especially during closed path curve processing)

Known restrictions:
- path curve must not be connected to any vertex or edge of any face (path start and end vertices may only lie on face but must not coincide with face vertices and even edges)

나름대로 활용도가 높을꺼 같은 루비네요. 두편의 튜토리얼로 구성되어 있습니다. 즐감하세요.

'*** Previous data *** > SketchUp' 카테고리의 다른 글

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