Black and White room sceen, blured.
Painted Sunroom in shades of blue
Balboa pier
Bear mountain - Outdoor grassy field
Bright sunny day - Clear sky in an open feild
Cloudy noon - Heavy clouds
Couryard - Outdoor shot in a roman style courtyard.
Desert - Desert setting with a clear sky
Desert Light probe - Desert setting with a clear sky
Early morning - Sunrise sceen with deep reds and oranges
Evening sunset - Sunset scene
Factory lighting - An indoor shot created from Frank Smith's industrial interior
Full moon - Full moon in blue hues
Gradient Blue
Gradient light blue
Gradient spectrum - This will produce a nice color range for filling in ambient light
Kontrol room - indoor scene
Light blue & yellow
Overcast probe - An overcast day sky
Red light probe - Useful for filling in a red ambient light
Torn cloud - Scattered clouds
Urban sky - Smoggy sky with contrails
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